Quantum Information for Quantum Matter (QIM)
This lecture series will introduce the use of quantum information techniques for the study of correlated problems in quantum matter. First, the general notion of quantum information and entanglement will be introduced, alongside the notions of matrix product states and tensor networks. The lectures will then go on to give examples of these in topical problems such as dynamics, thermalisation, and many-body localisation.
Zlatko is a Professor of Theoretical Physics at University of Leeds. He obtained his PhD at Université Paris Sud in 2010. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University with the Nobel Laureate, Duncan Haldane (2010-2013), and a joint postdoctoral fellow between Perimeter Institute and Institute for Quantum Computing in Waterloo (2013-2015). His research spans condensed matter theory and quantum information, focusing on topology and dynamics in quantum many-body systems, such as topological phases of matter, the fractional quantum Hall effect, and many-body localisation.
Quantum Information for Quantum Matter (QIM)
This lecture series will introduce the use of quantum information techniques for the study of correlated problems in quantum matter. First, the general notion of quantum information and entanglement will be introduced, alongside the notions of matrix product states and tensor networks. The lectures will then go on to give examples of these in topical problems such as dynamics, thermalisation, and many-body localisation.
Zlatko is a Professor of Theoretical Physics at University of Leeds. He obtained his PhD at Université Paris Sud in 2010. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University with the Nobel Laureate, Duncan Haldane (2010-2013), and a joint postdoctoral fellow between Perimeter Institute and Institute for Quantum Computing in Waterloo (2013-2015). His research spans condensed matter theory and quantum information, focusing on topology and dynamics in quantum many-body systems, such as topological phases of matter, the fractional quantum Hall effect, and many-body localisation.
Quantum Information for Quantum Matter (QIM)
This lecture series will introduce the use of quantum information techniques for the study of correlated problems in quantum matter. First, the general notion of quantum information and entanglement will be introduced, alongside the notions of matrix product states and tensor networks. The lectures will then go on to give examples of these in topical problems such as dynamics, thermalisation, and many-body localisation.
Zlatko is a Professor of Theoretical Physics at University of Leeds. He obtained his PhD at Université Paris Sud in 2010. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University with the Nobel Laureate, Duncan Haldane (2010-2013), and a joint postdoctoral fellow between Perimeter Institute and Institute for Quantum Computing in Waterloo (2013-2015). His research spans condensed matter theory and quantum information, focusing on topology and dynamics in quantum many-body systems, such as topological phases of matter, the fractional quantum Hall effect, and many-body localisation.